Out of Business - Loic Simon

Loic Simon "Out of Business": Famille, Photos, Culture libre, HighTech, Entreprenariat, Internet...

lundi 25 mai 2009

Digital Socialism - Conceptual Trends and Current Topics

Digital Socialism - Conceptual Trends and Current Topics

[...] The increasingly common habit of sharing what you're thinking (Twitter), what you're reading (StumbleUpon), your finances (Wesabe), your everything (the Web) is becoming a foundation of our culture. Doing it while collaboratively building encyclopedias, news agencies, video archives, and software in groups that span continents, with people you don't know and whose class is irrelevant—that makes political socialism seem like the logical next step.[...]

Très intéressant Point de Vue sur le "Digital Socialism" et, bien entendu la Culture du Partage et du Libre.